Monday, April 8, 2013

Divorce & Remarriage

This week's lesson was something very important but also not talked about all that much. Unfortunately it is a trend in our society to divorce and remarry, and nowadays those who have been raised by both their biological parents and neither of them have divorced are the weirdos. I was very lucky to be raised by both of my loving, biological parents and growing up seeing so many peers with divorced parents, I did start to feel like the odd one out. Because of so many divorces, there is a lot of blended families all over the world, and how to function in these can be a difficult subject. For the non-biological (step)parent, they should take on an uncle/aunt role and not participate in any harsh discipline to begin with. They are mainly there for the children to be a good example, and take genuine interest in their lives and develop a relationship. I've fortunately never had to experience the difficulties of a blended family, but with the right knowledge I believe it could be a very rewarding experience.