Friday, March 29, 2013

Fathers & Finances

The father of the family has always been stereotyped as the provider, and this usually is the case. Although, in today's society there seems to be a shift towards more dual-income homes or single mothers working to provide for their families. There is nothing wrong with mother's feeling the need to do something else productive outside of the home, but family should always be the first priority. The first few years of a child's life are especially crucial in having the mother in the home, and studies show that children who grow up with their parents spending the majority of their time outside of the home have a more difficult time going into adolescence and adulthood. Not everyone is fortunate enough to live comfortably with just one provider in the home, and this is understandable. Although, in studies it has shown that a lot of the time when a second parent is working usually it costs more for them to go to work than the actual second income they are bringing in. Costs such as gas, childcare, and purchasing food outside of the home rather than cooking play a big role in this. I believe that the mother misses out on a lot of bonding and teaching opportunities when they spend a lot of time out of the home such as cooking together, cleaning together, playing together, and simply providing the comfort for their children that they are always there. I don't plan on being a working mom, but if I did I would at least wait until my kids were old enough to not to need a babysitter. Father's are capable of providing the luxury of allowing the mother to spend more time with the children, and when dad comes home he is greatly appreciated by everyone in the family. The father's role is equally as vital and important as the mother's, and they both work together.

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