Thursday, March 21, 2013

Transitions in Marriage

This weeks lesson is the one I needed the most so far. My boyfriend and I are talking about marriage and we're ready to start preparing ourselves for it. There are going to be a lot of sacrifices and adjustments we are going to have to make and we need to try our best to be ready for them. Living together is going to be a trying time in making those compromises together, but I am really excited for it. One of the most important things we need to remember is that our relationship is between each other and God is at the top of the triangle. As long as we remember that, we will endure our trials easier. But in the family unit, the relationship between husband and wife comes before any relationship with the children. If the parents relationship isn't functioning, then there's no way the other relationships can function. Having children to begin with is a huge adjustment in a couple's life and something mother's usually have to face is the baby blues. That dramatic change of having a baby can be hard to comprehend but with a strong marital relationship and confidence in the future, it can be dealt with and children can enhance the lives of the parent's greatly. I'm excited for these future steps in life and I think this class has prepared me substantially.

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