Thursday, March 21, 2013

Preparing for Marriage

I loved this weeks lesson because we talked a lot about the reality of dating and marriage. Too many people buy into the Cinderella fallacy and believe that they will find their perfect "prince". There is no one perfect person out there it's all about who we choose and how we make it work. Usually we tend to be with those we have most in common which include those we have grown up with. This is true in my life; my boyfriend Aaron and I have been dating two and a half years and we are from the same ward at home. We understand each other and have had a lot of similar experiences. Aaron and I are best friends because of our similarities and I wouldn't have it any other way. Of course we have our differences but that is needed to balance a relationship. The dating attitude I've seen here is, in a word, ridiculous. My roommates tell their "boyfriends" after 2 days of dating they they're in love with them. They go through boys like candy and I'm pretty sure it's because they're scaring them away. People need to realize that they can't rush a good and lasting relationship they have to let it develop through quality time together, and that's how I think marriage is going to be too. A lot of quality time that continually improves the relationship.

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